COVID-19: Reflections On Our Pandemic Year
Time: 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
COVID-19: Reflections On Our Pandemic Year
A Collaboration of the Colorado School of Public Health and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Wednesday, April 7 at 8:30 a.m. MT
Watch the full episode
Over the past year, we have faced a once-in-a-generation science and policy challenge. During that span, our knowledge about COVID-19 has improved significantly as we've worked to thwart the spread of the virus. We've witnessed tremendous innovation and collective sacrifice. Entire sectors of our society have been completely reshaped, perhaps forever. And through it all, we each have our own deeply personal stories to share.
In our 30th and final (for now) episode of our COVID-19 webinar series, we're celebrating National Public Health Week by recognizing those who have worked tirelessly to provide relevant and timely information to policymakers and the public, as well as honoring the frontline workers who heroically kept our communities up and running during this difficult year. We'll check back in with some of our past guests, then hear perspectives from longtime series viewers on how the pandemic has affected their lives and their own hopes for the future. We hope you'll tune in live on Wednesday, April 7 at 8:30 a.m. MT and contribute your own thoughts and stories as we conclude our series on a note of reflection and optimism.