Pandemic Resiliency & Health Equity: Reflections w/ Dr. Sandro Galea
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Pandemic Resiliency & Health Equity: Reflections w/ Dr. Sandro Galea
A Collaboration of the Colorado School of Public Health and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science
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The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed fundamental weaknesses in American healthcare. Systemic racism, socioeconomic inequities, and disjointed processes have contributed to increased mortality from the disease over the past 18 months. But those underlying forces did not take root overnight, and COVID likely won't be the last pandemic we ever face. What would it mean to truly address these challenges? What would it take to build a more inclusive and resilient healthcare future for the U.S.?
In the next episode of our recurring COVID-19 webinar series on Monday, December 20, we'll sit down with Dr. Sandro Galea, Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health. As a physician, epidemiologist, and author of The Contagion Next Time, he'll discuss the social determinants of health and reflect on lessons learned about the societal consequences of an epidemic that has changed life as we know it. Plus: We'll begin the session by providing an update on the latest Colorado coronavirus data and what we know so far about the Omicron variant.
Audience members are welcome to submit questions for Dr. Galea in advance or during the live broadcast. This series is presented by the Colorado School of Public Health, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and the Institute for Science & Policy. Find all previous episodes on demand via the Institute's YouTube channel.